ICB Financial Support

Working as care providers, we have learned that sometimes our clients and patients may experience financial hardship and restrictions in affording home care supports. As part of our contribution to the communities that we are serving, at ICB (I Care Best), we are pleased to offer financial support to these patients. The support is provided in the form of service fee subsidies/ promotions in home care services as long as patients/ clients are receiving home care services from ICB.

We welcome the representatives of organizations that are interested in referring patients/ clients experiencing financial restrictions to us.

In order to help us better understand your situation and determine the amount of possible support, please fill and submit the application form below this page.

How to apply

If you are the patient/ client, please:

1- Submit the application form (below this page)

2- We will evaluate your situation and if more information is needed, we will contact you.

3- We will send you a code that will be included it in your profile for subsidized service fees.

4- You will inform your health care representatives (physician, community nurse, your social worker or your occupational therapist) that you are planning to receive home care services from ICB.

5- ICB and your health care representative (physician, community nurse, your social worker or your occupational therapist) will cooperate to set up your subsidized ICB home care supports.

6- If your family or you are paying for the services, your promotion code will be applied to your bills. If government or another organization is going to pay for the services, ICB will apply the promotion code in the invoice to be paid .

If you are a health care representative/ staff/ referring individual, please:

1- Have (or help) the patient/ client to fill the application form

2- Alternatively, send us an email at: patientsupport@icarebest.ca .

Application form:

  • SW (Social Worker); OT (Occupational Therapist); MD ( Physician)